CA: Man killed within 45 min. of being placed in Alameda Co. jail cell with SVP

Source: 9/5/24
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DUBLIN, Calif. (KRON) – Alameda County is facing a federal civil rights lawsuit after an inmate, Yuri Brand, was slain inside Santa Rita Jail.

Attorneys claim Alameda County Sheriff Deputies – who are Santa Rita Jail’s guards – “negligently placed” Brand and a violent sex offender into the same cell. 

Approximately 45 minutes later, the complaint alleges the inmate with mental health issues killed his new cellmate by choking him to death. 

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Brand, who had schizophrenia, was taken into custody at Santa Rita Jail on Sept. 8 for nonviolent criminal charges. “For unknown reasons,” attorneys allege Brand was not placed into mental health housing despite deputies knowing he was mentally ill and “had gone without medication for days.” 

Instead, the complaint said Brand was placed with Santa Rita Jail’s general population. 

Five days later, deputies placed Brand with Bryson Levy. According to the complaint, “Mr. Levy was in the midst of his own mental health crisis and had documented criminal history of violence, sexual assault, and the use of deadly weapons.” 

The complaint said that within 45 minutes of being placed into Brand’s cell, Levy reportedly killed Brand using a mattress “to suffocate him to death.” Brand was then found on the cell floor “with Levy on top of him.”

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The alleged killer is a CA SVP who was housed with another gent where the entire story will only fuel the minds of those of the exceptions to the PFR masses who are not a threat.

From what I gather, both inmates had serious mental health issues, and each was experiencing some sort of “crisis” at the time. In a decent world, individuals with these kinds of psychological problems wouldn’t go to prison/jail, they’d instead receive genuine treatment in the community. However, we live in the real world, where everyone is just tossed in the slammer, regardless of their mental state.

There’s no legitimate reason that those two should have ever been housed together, and every time I read an article such as this, the first thing that comes to mind is that the guards and staff deliberately create these little “situations” for their own sick satisfaction/amusement.

In fact, I wouldn’t doubt if they’d done this sort of thing many times before…except, they were probably expecting the reverse, where the other inmate typically brutalizes/”assassinates” the “SVP”/PFR (and then everyone pats each other on the back, and fist bumps for a “job well done”).

Regardless, the outcome is the same: someone is dead, the entire system remains rotten to the core, everyone who should be held accountable will just get a slap on the wrist (at the most), laws/policies will become even worse for the rest of us PFRs, and this dreadful sort of thing will just keep on happening over and over again…

Last edited 6 months ago by nameless